New beginnings

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I started a blog for the first time during my junior year of high school (4 whole years ago!) when I was extremely sick and couldn’t do anything but lie on the couch and read or watch TV. Basically I started one because I was more bored than I’ve ever been in my life. I read so many different blogs during that time and was shocked by how easy it is to feel connected and inspired by someone you’d never met in person. I decided that I wanted to be a part of that world. So I started “More Tea, More Books, More Laughter” – a blog where I basically shared absolutely whatever popped into my head. That blog evolved a lot in 4 years, and in January when I rebranded to Whimsy & Co. I wanted to hone in what I wrote about – so I started to write more blogging advice posts.

Part of the reason that I’ve been a little out of the blogging world has been because of how busy life is, but I really think another part of it is that blogging/design advice posts are just hard when that’s all you write. And in just a few months I started to lose interest in writing them constantly. I love reading them and learning from other bloggers, but I think that it’s so easy to lose inspiration for writing when that’s all you read or write, because it means that you’re almost always comparing your blog, your life, your stats to others.

Comparison is the ruin of inspiration.

I began to love blogging because it was about sharing things that I’m passionate about, and it’s certainly been an amazing creative outlet for me. That’s what I want to get back to over here.

I want to share things that are bringing me joy, like my random travels, other blog posts I’m loving, products I enjoy, coffee shops in my town that you should check out if you’re around, and other things about my life. I think this will help me get back to what I originally started to love about blogging – sharing what I love with people! Blogging advice posts are great (and I have TONS to share in that area), but I don’t want my blog to be completely removed from who I am as a person.

I mean, of course I want people to read my blog. Lots of page views are wonderful and having a pin go viral is an amazing feeling! But blogging’s got to mean more than that, otherwise it will just end in burn-out in a matter of months. I want to be honest and authentic about my story, about my struggles, and about my faith. I want to blog about the things that bring me joy, and I want my blog to bring joy, creativity, and inspiration to other women!

Thanks for hanging around with me for so long!

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